Thursday, September 29, 2011

Today I organize...really, this time I mean it!

Today I organize, there I said it out loud.  I'm going to be a more organized person. I WILL be able to find things right when I need them, I WILL be able to remember important dates, and yes I WILL even be able to make my life more efficient.  I struggle for years with remembering birthdays, checking off ALL items on my to do list and I admit it, keeping my home office under control.  I will be honest with you, it is not about laziness.  I, by nature am not a lazy person.  It is more about dedicating time to it.  In this past week, I have held a garage sale (which netted me $45, really?!?!!)  I worked at my day job at least 40 hours, managed to prepare meals and clean up the dinner dishes for seven days straight, given my two year old a bath nightly, supported and helped coordinate my husband in his endeavors, grocery shopped, worked on potty training, laundry, cleaned a bathroom or three, held a bible study, made homemade marshmallows and made it into the office two days this week.  To be honest, that's just the stuff I remember.  Here's the problem.  If you look around my house, you would think I watched soap operas and ate bon bons.

God is leading me to big things, but I must be faithful in the little first.  There are so many opportunities I have to be there for family and friends.  To show so many people God's love, but you know what?  I am not organized enough to make it happen.  I miss opportunities simply because I run from one thing to the next.  Without purpose.  I want to live on purpose.  I want to know that everything I'm doing is being done for God and with His plans in mind.  Even when I'm scrubbing the toilet.  So to that end, I'm off to the shower.  Intentionally going into the office for the Lord.