My daughter Grace is a character, she’s sweet, thoughtful,
sassy and smart. She loves to run, dance
and use her vivid imagination. She
teaches me so much all the time and God uses her to resolve conflict, strife and
bring a smile to my face all day long.
I’m smiling right now! Her
influence is powerful. When she was
little she would tell us that Jesus was in her heart and God is in her
belly. That makes perfect sense to me
now. She innately loves the Lord without
question. God gave her an old soul and I
know He has big plans for her. It is our
job, Dennis and I, as her parents to give her the proper upbringing to see
those big plans through. I pray that we
do a good job raising her right, but I rely heavily on my faith and the Lord to
see that through. So far I think we’re
doing pretty okay! She is kind to
everyone she meets and has an unstoppable energy. She’s also a superhero nut. She loves all things superheroes, even
claiming that right now her boyfriend is Robin, but Batman keeps cancelling
their wedding. She is a character! Dennis is just glad that her boyfriend is
When the subject of bullying came up I wasn’t surprised that
my daughter would be an advocate for anyone, especially her friends. One day she told me, out of the blue, that if
anyone said anything mean to her friends, she would look them square in the eye
and defend them so hard their hair would fly back letting her powerful words command
it. She would tell them in her bold,
determined, yet somehow still tenderhearted voice, “These are my friends and
you don’t get to pick on them! We are
always kind to our friends!”
Can’t you just see it?
Grace leaned in… looking someone dead in the eye and watching their hair
fly back as she speaks God’s truth straight from her tiny mouth. Something right from a superhero cartoon,
right? That’s my girl! I’m not
advocating violence or challenging a bully, but I am proud that my daughter
would give a voice to someone who may need a hand. We all should do more of this. Pay more attention to our friends and the
needs of others then boldly take a step of faith and respond. I believe peace can be boldly executed. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be
called the sons of God.